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Appetizers & Snacks Non Vegetarian

Schezwan Chicken


  This popular Chinese style chicken is often found in the Chinese restaurant menus…. Schezwan Chicken is a delicious and flavorful dish made by tossing the chicken in a spicy and sour sauce. Well Schezwan Chicken is generally quite spicy, however in this recipe I have toned down the spice […]

Subzi & Curries Vegetarian

Dal Makhani


  Dal Makhni, a traditional preparation of whole urad dal and rajma. It is creamy…..buttery and full of flavor. Traditionally, Dal Makhni is a labour of love, cooked really slow, sometimes even overnight. However, we do not have that kinda time… so, here is my version of this flavorful dal […]

Health Benefits Kitchen Basics



  Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice. Loaded with antioxidants. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage. It is known to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Also known to burn body fat to some extent as it increases the metabolic […]